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Sunday, October 19, 2008

20 Cara Meningkatkan Traffic Blog

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Tips, Trick, Tutorial

20 Cara Meningkatkan Traffic Blog

Posted: 17 Oct 2008 09:57 PM CDT

1. Paid Advertising
Untuk mendapatkan hasil yang maksimal saya sangat menyarankan untuk pasang iklan disitus berbayar (paid advertising online), seperti:,,, Adword atau di situs/blog yang trafficnya sudah tinggi seperti Bayumukti, Cosa Aranda, Eko Nurhuda.

Selain promosi online, promosi blog secara offline/konvensional (paid advertising offline) juga patut dipertimbangkan, seperti brosur, koran, majalah, TV, kartu nama, dll.

2. Niche Content
Pilih topik yang benar-benar anda kuasai, sajikan dengan bahasa sendiri agar content terlihat original, usahakan agar mudah dimengerti, jangan lupa sajikan "cappucino hangat" saat menulis, biar lebih santai. Ehh…pilih topik yang "niche" jangan yang bersipat umum, tapi klu untuk blog pribadi sich ndak apa2 juga.

Saran saya untuk blog bisnis sebaiknya jangan dicampur aduk (gado-gado kali…) dengan iklan yang lain. Klu membahas panduan bisnis online, usahakan agar topik bahasannya tidak melenceng dari topik utama, fokus…fokus…fokus

3. Free…, Free…, Free…
"ebook gratis", "free report", "free download mp3", "download lyric gratis", "lowongan pekerjaan","download MP3 gratis", satu lagi yang sering digoogling orang adalah "free template", "template blogger gratis", "download free blogger template","free wordpress template". Intinya bagikan semuanya kepada pengunjung blog anda secara gratis…tisss…tisss….dijamin pengunjung akan senang datang, datang lagi dan datang kembali. Apalagi kalau tips ini dilakukan secara continue, mungkin setiap hari (gila kali ya), sekali seminggu, sekali bulan, setahun sekali (kurang efektif). Sesuai kemampuan anda deh…

4. Daftar Blog ke Search Engine
Tips ini wajib hukumnya, gunanya agar mesin pencari (Google, yahoo, AOL, AskJeev) mudah melakukan index sehingga blog akan mudah ditemukan di mesin pencari.

5. Video Tutorial
Buat video tutorial lalu upload ke situs komunitas yang ramai dikunjungi orang seperti,, dll.

6. Domain Mengandung Keyword
Nama domain blog yang ringkas, mudah diingat dan yang cukup penting mengandung keyword. Contoh:,

7. Grapik dan Animasi
Animasi ibarat "pedang bermata dua", satu sisi ia bisa membuat blog jadi lebih menarik dan lebih atraktif tapi disisi lain bagaikan "senjata makan tuan". Jadi, kebijaksanaan dan ketelitian sangat diperlukan disini, pertimbangkan juga blog dibuat untuk keperluan apa? Jadi harus hati-hati dalam menggunakan animasi jangan sampai niat awal untuk membuat pengunjung betah, nyaman jadi terbalik pengunjung malah "kabur" karena "loading page" sangat lambat.

8. Tombol Navigasi
Link navigasi blog harus tersusun secara rapi supaya mudah dilihat dan tidak membingungkan pengunjung. Kita lupakan dulu poin 6, animasi sangat dianjurkan untuk memperindah tombol navigasi. Untuk meningkatkan kesan positif dari pengunjung tombol navigasi yang unik bisa jadi pilihan.

9. Broken Link
Pastikan tidak ada link yang rusak diblog anda. Nggak kebayangkan pengunjung kecewa dan kabur karena ada link yang rusak. Anda tahu nggak bagian yang mana dari blog yang membuat pengunjung betah? Jadi buat pengunjung tetap nyaman dan jangan biarkan dia KABUR hanya karena hal-hal sepele seperti ini.

10. Signature Email
Promosi blog melalui signature email nggak ada salahnya tapi hati-hati jangan sampai dianggap spam.

11. Aktif di Forum
Rajin membuat posting/artikel di forum, lalu buatkan link/ signature menuju blog. Jangan lupa memberi komentar yang memberi kontribusi terhadap topik yang sedang dibahas. Saat member forum melihat komentar anda selalu berbobot maka biasanya mereka akan tertarik untuk mengetahui profil anda lebih lanjut, nah ketika mereka menggap anda kompeten dan menarik anda tinggal menikmati hasilnya. Semua akan terasa gampang, yakinlah. Dunia online tidak berbeda jauh dengan dunia offline (konvensional), kepercayaan mutlak dibutuhkan apalagi anda bergerak dalam bisnis online.

12. Blogwalking
Terbukti bisa meningkatkan traffic blog dan hampir setiap blogger melakukannya baik dalam keadaan sadar maupun tidak sadar. Kalau dari segi hasil kurang memuaskan tapi kalau dari segi kekeluargaan, dijamin akan mempererat silaturahim diantara sesama blogger indonesia. Mudah-mudahan aja ya…

13. RSS Feed & Newsletter
Pasang form Newsletter dan RSS Feed diblog sehingga pengunjung bisa berlangganan artikel.

14. Social Bookmarking
Daftarkan blog di situs komunitas online seperti,,,,,,,, dll.

15. Iklan Baris
Sebenarnya tips ini cukup menyita banyak waktu hanya saja peluang iklan cukup besar muncul di mesin pencari. Alasannya karena situs sejenis "iklan baris" memiliki posisi yang cukup strategis dimata mesin pencari (nggak semua lho…). Jadi, nggak ada salahnya promosi blog di situs iklan baris seperti (Kira2 30.000 hits/day),

16. Banner Exchange
Buat banner blog atau simple button untuk bertukar link dengan blog lain. Tips ini sudah terbukti dan banyak digunakan blogger, salah satunya blog ini. Ampuh meningkatkan Page Rank (PR). Tips: bertukar link dengan blog yang topik sama dengan blog kita, klu memungkinkan dgn blog yg page rank lebih tinggi.

17. Forum Sendiri
Buat yang berkecukupan (dana, skill, waktu) tips ini sangat dianjurkan karena dengan memiliki forum sendiri otomatis kredibilitas kita akan meningkat dan tentu saja traffik blog juga pasti akan terdongkrak. Syukur-syukur kalau ada diantara member forum akan merekomendasikan blog atau membuat link balik. Banyak deh keuntungan lainnya salah satunya "BISA JADI SELEBRITI BLOG INDONESIA".

18. Stay up to date
Pengguna internet umumnya bertujuan mencari informasi terbaru diblog yang mereka kunjungi. Saya juga paling suka blog yang up to date. Selain itu, dari gossip yang beredar mesin pencari seperti google juga lebih sayang dengan blog yang up to date.

Keuntungan lainnya blog kita bisa dijadikan bahan rujukan/direview oleh blog lain. Bayangkan kalau blog yang memberi rujukan itu mempunyai traffic yang tinggi, maka pada saat itu terjadi blog kita akan kebanjiran traffic. Jadilah yang terdepan (mirip iklan apa ya….)

19. Controversy
Biasanya orang sangat tertarik pada postingan yang bersifat kontroversi, sekedar mengingatkan pendapat Roy Suryo tentang blogger,"blogger tukang tipu".

Muncul reaksi yang cukup keras dikalangan blogger, bisa dibuktikan dari banyaknya tanggapan baik itu yang bersifat menentang, jadi penengah dan yang setuju juga ada lho….

20. Hot Issue
Tulis posting seputar berita yang lagi hot tetapi usahakan agar topik postingan anda masih relevan dengan topik utama blog. Biasanya pengguna internet mencari informasi yang lagi hangat dibicarakan seperti "krisis global" yang akhir-akhir ini melanda amerika dan pengaruhnya terhadap ekonomi dunia termasuk indonesia.

21. Template Gratis
Coba ketik keyword berikut di google, "free blogspot template", "template blogger gratis", "download free blogger template","free wordpress template". Lihat berapa banyak orang yang mencari dengan kata kunci tersebut, bukankah ini peluang yang bagus untuk meningkatkan traffic blog kita.
Buat design template lalu bagikan secara gratis, nikmati "one way link" dan trafficnya.

Okey, sebenarnya masih banyak lagi cara meningkatkan traffic blog, setiap orang punya cara tersendiri. Saya juga tidak akan menjamin keberhasilan tips diatas, tergantung bagaimana anda menyikapinya. Saya serahkan kepada anda sepenuhnya namun saran saya alangkah baiknya kalau diterapkan satu demi satu. Anda tahukan maksudnya? Ya benar, pilih dulu salah satu diantara tips diatas (menurut saya poin 1, 2, 3 & 22 yang terbaik sekaligus yang tersulit untuk diterapkan).

Setelah yakin dengan pilihan anda, aplikasikan dengan sungguh-sungguh lalu jangan lupa "angkat kedua tangan" berdoa agar anda tidak salah pilih tips atau saya yang kelupaan menuliskannya disini.

Jadi, ayo…ada lagi yang mau menambahkan. Silahkan…yang ikhlas ya 


Apakah Anda Yahoo!?
Lelah menerima spam? Surat Yahoo! memiliki perlindungan terbaik terhadap spam

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Aspek Pertimbangan dalam Usaha Waralaba


SAAT ini kebutuhan membangun kekuatan jaringan usaha perekonomian yang dikelola oleh umat Islam cukup mendesak. Salah satu bentuk usaha yang dapat dikembangkan adalah usaha waralaba. Usaha waralaba ini merupakan bentuk khusus dari lisensi di mana pemberi hak bukan hanya menjual haknya tetapi juga turut serta membentuk si penerima hak dalam melakukan bisnisnya.

Usaha waralaba ini tentu akan membentuk sebuah usaha yang bermanfaat bagi banyak orang. Pada dasarnya konsep bisnis waralaba ini dirancang guna memberikan kemudahan kepada masyarakat dalam menjalin kemitraan bisnis yang saling melindungi dan menguntungkan.

Dengan demikian, terlepas dari misi sosial, aspek bisnis waralaba menjadi pertimbangan kondisi masyarakat saat ini. Pasalnya, dari data yang dilansir oleh pemerintah, jumlah pengusaha kecil dan menengah itu mencapai 95 % dari keseluruhan pengusaha yang ada di Indonesia. Artinya bisnis waralaba ini masih sangat prospektus dengan dasar adanya potensi yang dapat diambil dari para pengusaha kecil dan menengah di negeri ini masih sangat besar, dan belum dioptimalisasi pemanfaatannya.

Konsep usaha waralaba ini didalamnya terkandung ajaran berupa terjalinnya silaturrahmi. Kita tahu, aktivitas silaturrahmi dalam ajaran Islam disebutkan sebagai aktivitas yang akan mendatangkan rahmat Allah yang tidak terkira. Keterangan berikut ini setidaknya dapat meyakinkan kita tentang hal itu.

“Maukah kalian aku tunjukkan amal yang lebih besar pahalanya daripada sholat dan sahum?” tanya Rasulullah Saw kepada sahabat-sahabatnya.

Rasulullah kemudian menjelaskan, “Engkau damaikan yang bertengkar, menyambung persaudaraan yang terputus, mempertemukan kembali saudara-saudara yang terpisah, membejambatani berbagai kelompok dalam Islam, dan mengukuhkan ukhuwwah di antara mereka adalah amal shaleh yang besar pahalanya. Barangsiapa yang ingin dipanjangkan usianya dan dibanyakkan rizkinya hendaklah ia menyambung persaudaraan.”(HR. Bukhari dan Muslim).

Dalam konteks ini, bila kita menyikapi dan merenugi hadis tersebut, maka Islam telah lebih dahulu memberikan kunci bagi mereka yang ingin dipanjangkan usianya dan dibanyakkan rizkinya, yaitu dengan cara menyambung persaudaraan. Salah satu bentuk persaudaraan dalam dunia bisnis adalah dengan membangun jaringan bisnis secara Islami.

Di sini, dalam membangun suatu bisnis maka yang penting bagi kita adalah tidak keluar dari prinsip ekonomi Islam. Dalam ajaran ekonomi Islam disebutkan bahwa kekayaan merupakan amanah dari Allah dan tidak dapat dimiliki secara mutlak; manusia diberikan kebebasan untuk bermuamalah selama tidak melanggar ketentuan syariah; manusia merupakan khalifah dan pemakmur di muka bumi; penghapusan praktek riba; dan penolakan terhadap monopoli.

Selain itu, dalam melakukan bisnis, bagi umat Islam harus mengindahkan etika Islam yang berupa jujur, amanah, adil, profesional (ihsan), saling bekerjasama (ta’awun), sabar, dan tabah.

Oleh sebab itu, dalam membangun bisnis waralaba pun kita harus selalu berprinsip pada ekonomi Islam dan menjaganya dengan menerapkan etika bisnis secara islami. Dari sini, maka akan terlahir usaha untuk mempertimbangkan secara bijaksana dan cermat dalam menumbuhkan dan membangun jaringan bisnis waralaba.

Aspek Pertimbangan Bisnis

Dalam melakukan bisnis waralaba ini, menurut Rambat Lupiyoadi dan Jero wacik (1998), ada beberapa aspek yang harus dipertimbangkan dengan cermat. Pertama, organisasi dari perusahaan yang diberi hak. Di mana perusahaan pemberi hak biasanya masuk ke suatu negara dan mencari partner atau perusahaan yang ingin mendapatkan hak mereka. Lalu mereka akan berunding untuk menentukan bentuk organisasi apa yang layak dan cocok untuk pengembangan usaha yang akan dilakukan.

Kedua, modifikasi sistem operasi. Karena biasanya produk-produk yang dijual itu harus mengalami modifikasi karena kebutuhan dan culture (budaya) dari suatu negara berbeda dengan negara lainnya. Karena itu, antara pemberi dan penerima hak harus berkompromi dan berunding untuk menentukan modifikasi baik pada sistem operasi maupun produk yang akan dijual.

Ketiga, masalah perjanjian atau kontrak yang ada. Di mana pada saat penyusunan kontrak harus detail dan bentuknya kurang lebih sama dengan metode lisensi.

Lebih dari itu, yang jelas secara garis besar ada tiga masalah pokok dalam pemilihan bentuk usaha sebagaimana terlihat dari usulan yang telah diberikan, yaitu:

1. Motivasi usaha. Faktor-faktor yang harus dipertimbangkan dengan cermat menyangkut pengertian bentuk usaha yang akan dijalankan, kelompok usaha yang akan didirikan, maksud pendiriannya, perundingan pendirian dan kesepakatan pendirian usaha.

2. Efesiensi usaha. Faktor-faktor yang harus dipertimbangkan menyangkut pertanggung jawaban yang harus diberikan, fungsi manajemen dan kontrol yang harus diadakan, aspek formalitas, fleksibilitas dan permodalan yang harus dilaksanakan dengan baik dan benar.

3. Bentuk usaha yang dipilih. Di sini, tentu banyak ditentukan oleh jenis badan usaha tersebut, bentuk permodalan, tanggung jawab usaha, keanggotaan, pembagian laba, publikasi atas perkiraan tahunan, dll.

Akhirnya dengan mengetahui selek beluk bisnis usaha waralaba ini, diharapkan kita dapat berhati-hati dan bertindak secara maksimal dalam menerjuni bisnis ini. Wallahu’alam.***

Arda Dinata adalah pendiri Majelis Inspirasi Alquran dan Realitas Alam (MIQRA) Indonesia,

Internet dan Blog Sukses

blog sukses » Blog Bisnis Internet
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Wednesday, August 20, 2008

To Write More Powerful

Although there are significant differences among the various types of online communication, there all have one critical thing in common - they're read off a screen. There are substantial benefits, too, in that while your message is on someone's screen usually it has their undivided attention. You are genuinely "one-to-one" with them and that's something you must respect - you are literally "in their face" and encroaching on very personal territory. The bad news about online communications is that your message can be "disappeared" faster from a screen than with any other medium.

There are a few more stark facts about online communications that significantly influence how your message is received. One, according to the world-acclaimed web expert Dr Jakob Nielsen, is that 79% of online readers don't read - they scan. That's a little like the way people browse through brochures. What it means is that your message must be delivered in a way that allows key points - and benefits, of course - to be picked up at the same speed as readers scroll and scan.

Secondly, Dr Nielsen has also calculated that when people read from a screen they do so at a rate 25% slower than they read print on a paper page. That's because, despite high-resolution screens and all the other technological wizardry, on-screen text is harder to read. For this reason your messages have to be very much more concise than they do for printed media - some experts say screen text should be just half the length of its paper equivalent. In my view, therefore, there are two very important things you have to remember if you're going to get the best out of online text.

Firstly, go with the flow of the physical restrictions and write so you minimize their effect. Also, create your text so it works well for scanners (human scanners that is) by highlighting key points in bold - not italics or underline because people think those are links. That way people get the gist of your message while scrolling, although of course they will stop and read more carefully when an emboldened section really does catch their eye.

Secondly, bear in mind that even in its short little life the internet has already started to put its early folklore on a nostalgic pedestal and this plays a key role in determining what works online now. Having begun its days as an electronic kaffée klatch for individual tekkies the net has developed a very personal informality and straight-talking ethos that, miraculously, is being preserved and perpetuated with considerable success. And that's all the more astounding when you consider the vast commercialism that's replaced the early net's endearing woolly-sweater-and-sandals innocence, naïvety and honesty.

Never mind, though. There are other good reasons why brief, straight, plain - even blunt - speaking is a sensible style to maximize the success of your online text. Obviously it helps overcome the physical restrictions (see above) and also works well in such a personal, one-to-one medium that is, literally, in your face.

Today you only have to think how emotional people get over the issue of receiving "spam," to understand just how firmly the PC or PDA or other forms of electronic screens have established themselves as part of their users' personal space. "You don't just use a computer," my late mother used to shout when she came by my office to see if I was still breathing, "you wear it."

Well, although I don't exactly read it a story and kiss it goodnight I'm bound to feel pretty close to my computer (and the messages it displays) especially as I often spend more hours a day with it than I do with my family. The moral? When you're writing online text, in fact online anything, respect the close relationship people have with their screens. Knock before entering, then be the perfect guest. Be direct, don't waste their time, but remember to say please and thank you. Then leave before you've worn out your welcome. That's the way to ensure not only that you make a good impression, but also that you'll get invited back.

Saturday, August 16, 2008


Do Marketers Really Need RSS?

The recent Forrester Research study, which claims that only 2% of online households in North America use RSS, took the internet marketing world by storm. Does this data really mean that marketers can still afford to ignore this channel?Soon after the Forrrester study became public, I received a press enquiery asking whether marketers should be interested in RSS now that so few online adults use it.Is this the correct question to ask? Let's take a look at the bigger picture ?


The Forrester study is just one of those available and cannot be considered as the only relevant study, although it was conducted on a sample of 68,000 households.Jupiter Research estimates RSS penetration at 12% of the American online population, while the latest report from PEW shows that 9% of the American online population has a good idea of what RSS is. An October 2004 PEW study actually estimated RSS penetration at 5%.It is also important to understand that Forrester data does not include those that might not even be aware they are using RSS, especially through services such as My.Yahoo, which is actually the most popular RSS reader.Also, at the same time, Forrester Vice President Henry Harteveldt says that »RSS is critical for any organization that wants to reach out to people under the age of 30«.


Regardless of the numbers we put our faith in, the future growth of RSS is without question. Microsoft just recently announced full RSS support in the next edition of their Internet Explorer browser and full RSS integration in the next edition of their operating system, the Windows Vista.Once RSS becomes easily available to most internet users out-of-the-box and becomes as widely spread as bookmarks, its adoption will grow at an incredible rate. Microsoft has now made sure this in fact will happen.Consequently, the time for marketers to not only become interested in RSS but also master it is now. Those that test and discover the best possible ways of using RSS for marketing will be ahead of their competition once everyone starts using RSS.Furthermore, since RSS implementation can actually be free of any charge, there's no reason not to start providing your content in RSS feeds now.


Microsoft and Yahoo! aren't the only big players to show support for RSS. Google recently launched RSS advertising as part of their Google AdSense program, giving publishers reason to start their own RSS feeds to generate direct revenues.Those that depend on Google AdSense for part or all of their online revenues actually need to provide RSS feeds, or stand to lose some of those revenues due to their visitors switching to sites and feeds from their competitors.Face it, today many users are already starting to request publishers provide them with RSS to subscribe to their content. This trend will only continue, with many users selecting RSS as their primary channel of receiving and reading online content.


All marketers today are experiencing e-mail delivery problems, constantly wondering whether their messages are getting through or not. Simply put, e-mail can no longer be relied on.For one, offering your content via RSS as a supplement to e-mail will help you make certain that at least a portion of your visitors, those that decide for the RSS option, will be receiving all of your content without any decided to start pushing RSS instead of e-mail some time ago, and as a result saw that their RSS feeds are outperforming e-mail when it comes to clickthrough rates for about 500%. Also an interesting fact, they today have 5 times more RSS subscribers than e-mail subscribers.And two, for your most important content updates, RSS really is becoming a must, especially if you need to be in contact with your existing customers, partners and other key audiences. If you want to be 100% certain that your messages reach your audience, RSS is the way to go.


But all of the above don't even touch all the reasons why marketers should start using RSS today ?a) RSS will help you generate additional traffic and reach new audiences. Considering the low cost of RSS implementation, this is reason enough to get started with RSS today.b) RSS helps you to easily get your content published on other sites, thus generating you more credibility and visitors.c) As a publisher you can use RSS to display content from other sources, thus making your site more relevant and interesting to your existing visitors.And the list goes on and on.RSS may not be mainstream yet, but it provides enough advantages even today to make it a must-choice for marketers.By Rok Hrastnik

Blog Traffic Secrets

Blog Traffic Secrets

Search Engine Traffic and Social Traffic. The real secret on how to create blog traffic success is WORK. There are bloggers out there that are much more successful than I in generating visibility and they will tell you this...blogging is work. I'm not talking drudgery. I'm talking commitment. That is why you never hear me pitch gimmicks or tactics that promise traffic will very little effort. Let me qualify this statement about work also by saying that blogs as publishing and content management systems are much easier, time efficient and cost efficient when compared to standard web sites. Your work and labor involves your commitment to relationship building and socializing your message to a niche. Now this may be a bit disappointing to some marketers who want use blogs as brochures and sales pages. However, if done right you can use your blog to driving traffic to any page you like for added revenues and business profitability. SEO versus SMO Search engine traffic is vitally important to your blog success. No question about it. Those who are committed to publishing with a blog are experiencing great success in search rankings. These people know the only secret is the work of being committed to serving the wants or needs of a niche market with great information. That is the key to revenues with a blog. Let's talk about a few comparisons between Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Social Marketing Optimization (SMO). Keywords vs. Community Content vs. Conversation Content Consumers vs. Content Creators Search Engine Optimization = How well you pull traffic from high ranking content Social Marketing Optimization = How well you pull traffic from high ranking reputation By examining the comparison above I want you to realize that no successful blog thrives on search traffic along. Also, volume of traffic is the best indicator of success either. But successful blogs do get significant search traffic because they tend to have a lot of inbound links and relevant content. To increase traffic to your blog you must have a definite aim of cultivating social dialogue with your blog and from your blog. This can seem like a bit more human work but it isn't as labor intensive as you might think. The Art of Social Marketing with Blogs There are three focal points I would like to pass to you as helpers for you in building traffic to your blog. These three points should be used deliberately as social marketing components. 1. Rank Well 2. Link Well 3. Sell Well Rank Well. This focal point is more about reputation that about search engine traffic. I have a more specific article about search engine rankings and blogs in an article entitled Search Engine Marketing for Beginning Bloggers. Your ranking well focus should identify what you want to known for. Now this might sound obvious to some but this is important because in this age of bloggers and citizen generated media, links are just points to your content. Links represent word of mount, opinion, influence and they say some about you. Links now carry with them conversations. You need to decide what you want your reputation to be like and drive content into your market that will get links (and lots of them!) pointing back to you and sending traffic to you based on this reputation. Your Rank Well focus is about reputation and expertise. Link Well. This focal point is both the way of the blogger. Blogging is still about linking your audience to information that matters most them and establishes you and their expert. Remember this: Who you link to is just as important as what you link to. Don't be gun shy in pointing your customers and prospects to other content. Demonstrate that you are the newsmaster for your brand and niche. Your audience will thank you for it with repeat visits and referrals. Bloggers absolutely love to refer their audience to any source the have examined and trustworthy, informs their audience and builds their reputation in the eyes of their audience. It's the exact same thing I'm stating you should do. While you are linking to great content you must also link to key bloggers in your niche or bloggers that have traffic that can especially benefit from your message. In an article published by Steve Rubel called Scoble's Law of Five, Steve writes about Scoble's tip on getting your product noticed by strategically mentioning their names in posts to play to their egos. This tips makes a good addition to what I've mentioned here before and most serious bloggers know. Bloggers watch their reputations and citations vigorously. Any mention of them or link to them get's their attention. When you link to another blogger as well and mention them you are helping to socialize your message. When your message gets picked buy another blogger that increases your traffic and exposure. Remember this: Your traffic potential is always exponential. Any blog that has been published decently for a time has a social network that can grow your traffic by a factor of (n). The growth factor is potentially exponential yet unknown because you cannot predict the exact multiples of growth with have a full accounting of the exact readership of each blog. Suffice it to say however that even if a blog has just one reader you and that blog cites your blog you just gained traffic with a multiplier of two (the publisher and the one reader). You don't know how many people they in turn will reach on your behalf. Your linking is important. Key citations and links can explode your traffic literally overnight and that's the truth. You don't have to link to everyone to get traffic and everyone you link to won't send you traffic. That nature of blogs is that they are link magnets period. You just don't have the visibility into all the eyeballs you can reach simply by linking to a few key blogs which in turn refer you to others and so on. But also remember that each person influences and unknown number of people. The result is that you starting getting all kinds of back links from places you never thought point to you on the basis of your reputation and expertise which is dictated by the content you publish. Sell Well. This focal point centers on a solid plan to win revenue through reputation. When using blogs in your marketing mix it is best to use blogs in the way in which they work best for you. Socializing. Selling well with a blog includes your content as much as you communication. It is as much about your quality of your information as it is about your conversation. A simple blog revenue roadmap is this: relationship -> reputation -> revenue Blogs excel at publishing information as digital conversations for the purposes of establishing relationships, building reputation...and driving revenue. Your money is in your message and what you come to be known for through your blog.

Blogging Success

5 Prerequisites For Blogging Success
8 Jan 2007 ... The Foundation of Blogging Success - Part 1 - Healthy WebDesign - Developing ...... E-books / E-Courses for Achieving Success at Blogging - 144k - Tembolok - Halaman sejenis

Overnight Blogging Success
23 Aug 2005 ... 13 Responses to “Overnight Blogging Success”. ChrisH. August 23rd, 2005 12:28 pm. I once had a business providing computer support to home - 59k - Tembolok - Halaman sejenisHasil temuan lainnya dari »

Blogging Success Study by Northeastern University and Backbone ...
2 Nov 2006 ... The Blogging Success Study was conducted by Dr. Walter Carl; .... 2.1 How Does The Set Up Of A Blog Contribute to a Blog's Success? - 278k - Tembolok - Halaman sejenis

1.0 Executive Summary : Blogging Success Study
2 Nov 2006 ... The Blogging Success Study was conducted by Dr. Walter Carl; .... Northeastern University/Backbone Media Blogging Success Study The quote, - 30k - Tembolok - Halaman sejenisHasil temuan lainnya dari »

How To Blog For Fun & Profit! :: Create Blog Success - Blog ...
The real secret on how to create blog traffic success is WORK. ... Search engine traffic is vitally important to your blog success. No question about it. - 79k - Tembolok - Halaman sejenis

Arda blogging success. ... ARDA BLOGGING SUCCESS. Wisdom Business, Quantum Writers, Inspiring Intelligence, Mosquito, Geting Rich, Sprituality Health, - 67k - Tembolok - Halaman sejenis

Arda News Success Blogging Success Wisdom Business Quantum Writers Inspiring Intelligence Mosquito & Public Health Getting Rich Writers - 95k - Tembolok - Halaman sejenis

Blogging Success Factors
27 Apr 2008 ... In Resources — I've compiled a few blogging success factors. Filed under Blog, Highlights, WordPress by Denis - 17k - Tembolok - Halaman sejenis

Blogging Success
Blogging Success ... Warning: stristr() [function.stristr]: Empty delimiter in /home/blogging/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wassup/wassup.php on line - 5k - Tembolok - Halaman sejenis

Blog Metrics: Six Recommendations For Measuring Your Success ...
Blogs are not websites. The old school model of content creation, content consumption and content distribution does not apply to blogs. (Neither - 133k - Tembolok - Halaman sejenis

Saturday, August 2, 2008

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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

business inquiries

Personal space business inquiries

Nowadays personal space business can be the dream of any individual willing to earn much money in no time and of course without working hard, but to have it, first you need web hosting. In order to succeed users must know very well what such service providers can offer them. They can contact more personal web space providers via email on the IM or even on the phone. When they start a discussion they must not forget that they get what they pay for.

Imagine somebody in a mall. Before purchasing a product people watch it very carefully and only when it is satisfying for them, they get it. For users’ personal space business success they should ask questions until everything is clear for them. Even though there are aspects that are apparently obvious, they can still feel free to ask about them. Furthermore, they can get the first impression from the first contact with the Help Desk of personal web space services.

Here are some questions that users should address any personal web space provider. They should first inquire where the servers are exactly located. Maybe they are interested only in the servers in their country or their continent. Besides, they should be aware of the existent technical capacities in the hosting location. It is obvious that a personal web space provider that has only one internet connection is less valuable than a provider that owns 7 different sources.

To continue with, in a personal space business users need to have the word “unlimited” very clear. Basically, such a term does not exist. One of Murphy’s laws says that any rope that has an end must have at least one other end. In this case if explanations related to “unlimited” are clear, everything is all right. In addition user can ask for a trial account. Again, one can imagine in a mall having the opportunity to test the perfume someone wants to purchase.

Moreover, customers should know the history of recent technical problems of the service provider and the way they solved them. It is highly recommended a service provider, whose performance is not quite brilliant, but who is open, than one who makes a lot of promises, but while facing the first serious problem they just vanish. Next it is important to know what happens if a customer, by mistake sends spam to the hosting site.

The service provider should make the difference between intended and accidental spam, like the one generated by Trojan or other viruses. Anyway, users should be first warned, so they should not block their account without explanations.

A personal space business will also need technical assistance services. For example: if the customer does not know how to create an email account in cPanel, will he / she be helped? Payment of course is essential. The customer needs to know how to pay for the services provided: monthly, each trimester or annually and what happens if payment is not done when required. Finally, access and security aspects must be also discussed.
By: Clint Jhonson

Search Engine

Search Engine Optimization is Great

Search engine optimization is well accepted these days as a major tool to improve your website's visibility on the internet and assist it in achieving higher position on leading search engines. A business may be doing very well with great promise of turning into a much bigger shape but what would be the method of informing a lot many people about it. There is a question. The answer is search engine optimization. The web opens the gateway of unending possibilities to an online business. This enables any person or customer from anywhere in the globe to visit or make purchase from your site with a click of a mouse or a push of a button. Distance becomes immaterial in the process. The regular traffic of leading search engines grows day by day and the search engine optimization process gains more effectiveness. The interesting thing about the internet being the most economic platform where one is able to put majority type of advertisements.

Search engine optimization or in other words search engine positioning is a mechanism that an online business house can never afford to neglect if the company intends to show its presence in the website. Navigation becomes possible as well as easier with the active support of leading search engines namely Google, Yahoo, MSN, etc. The huge volume of traffic that is generated by the leading search engines is a proof by itself that search engine optimization can be regarded as an important component for rewarding benefit to online business in the shape of a large number of website visitors.

It is possible to reach to those many people, who are filtering through leading search engines. This is an advantage which can always be taken by online business site. The main aim is to maintain a position nearer to the upper bracket of the list of search results as far as practicable, at the time of searching by business related words. It has been found that better than half of the entire purchases on line are made with the help of search engines. It is due to the fact that people do not like to move beyond a few pages from the beginning in the list of results of their search. It is thus concluded that search engine optimization plays an important role in obtaining the desired traffic.

Occasionally, due to algorithm changes in a search engine affects the website in terms of degradation of its status in the list of search engine ranking. Recovery from such acute position in the search engine ranking is possible by initiating a jerk in the website. Thus it is mandatory to examine your webpage regularly and maintain them with needful actions. A website structured with excellent acumen and equipped with original and interesting content can withstand the storm created by search engine algorithms inconsistency.

A website is the most valuable component of your entire business proposition and demands continuous care for a smooth and result oriented functioning of the complete mechanism. In order to expect so, a serious study of the website relating visitor’s statistics has to be made. In addition, examination of competitors’ activities in their respective websites should also be made. All these findings will help you to draw your development plan to enable you to touch greater heights in search engine ranking and desired economic growth.

Author is the owner of SEO Company. This company has helped hundreds of sites to gain ranking and visitors with its seo services.
By: Kausik Dutta

Traffic to your Site

Driving Traffic to your Site

Driving traffic to your website doesn’t mean forking out big bucks on advertising. We show you how to publicize your site without spending a dime.

The Internet. A vast electronic window of opportunity, offering you the chance to expose yourself to millions of people around the world for the cost of a modem and a giant phone bill. The trouble is there are so many sites vying for attention that most just sit quietly on servers, unloved and unnoticed. You may have the greatest site in the world but if the world doesn’t know about it, you might as well have left it on your hard drive. Fortunately, there are lots of ways to promote your site for zero outlay, from humble reciprocal links to vast organized banner schemes. Better get started then.

First Things First

Let’s assume that you’ve already submitted the details of your website to the big search engines. If you haven’t, don’t read any further until you’ve at least submitted your details to Google. It’s the single most important free thing you can do which will significantly boost your traffic – particularly if your site covers a minority interest.

Submit your site to another 10 major search engines. Do a search on Google to find out who they are. Lecture over. Time to face some unpleasant facts.

The top 10 websites receive around 90% of Internet traffic, which means the remaining billions either have to shout very loudly or get together and help each other. And in website promotion, ‘love thy neighbor’ should be your maxim.

Start by finding sites that cover a similar subject to yours and email the owner suggesting it would be mutually beneficial if you swapped links. Make it easy by including the HTML to link to your site, and point out the location of the link’s page on your site where you have already linked back to them.

A good way to keep track of how many sites have linked to you is to use Yahoo’s link search service. Type in ‘link:’ for example to see how many sites are linking to An added benefit of regularly perusing other sites is that you can check out what they’re doing to promote themselves and learn from it. Chances are you’ll come across the Web ring or the banner exchange on your travels. Both are essentially an extension of humble link swapping, only on a larger and more organized scale.

Exchange and Market

Banner exchange programs involve signing up with an organization to display ad banners on your site and in return the organization places ads for your website on other member sites. Typically you will receive one advertising ‘exposure’ (or one view of your banner) for every two you display. The organization makes its money by selling the remaining 50% of ad views to paying advertisers. Most schemes provide click-through data, which tells you the number of people who clicked on your ad. Be warned, though – click- through rates are pitiful.

A good banner can expect to generate a rate of around 5%, a poor one, less than 1%. That said, if your ad is displayed enough times, joining an exchange scheme can pay dividends. There are dozens of banner swap programs.

Web Rings

Web rings work by sites covering the same subject setting up an organized online group to promote each other’s wares. Each site links to the next one, or you can jump randomly to any other member site until you finished where you started. Ring members usually display a graphic on their front page saying something like ‘Member of the Computer Hardware Web Ring’. These graphics encourage people to look at other members of the ring.

Web rings are a splendid idea. Not only are they free to join, but they are usually devoted solely to increasing awareness of sites like yours. Surfers who have stumbled across one Computer Hardware website are likely to want to look at another one, so chances are your traffic will increase more than through a banner exchange scheme, where advertising can be less specific. If a ring doesn’t exist for your subject, don’t despair. You can start your own one.

You can also join a traffic exchange. There are basically two types. Manual and Auto.

You join for free and for every site you surf you earn surfing credits. For example, if you surf 100 sites, you may earn 50 credits and your site is displayed 50 times to other members surfing in the same exchange. In a manual exchange you have to physically click a link every time the site changes, but in an auto exchange the sites are rotated automatically. The difference being that in auto exchanges fewer people actually watch their screens and in a manual exchange you are forced to pay attention to the sites.

Article Marketing

You could also resolve to writing articles based on the subject of your website and post them to various free article directories. You include a small author profile about yourself at the end of the article. People reading your articles may be curious to click on your link and visit your site. Another important aspect of writing articles is that if people decide to use your article in their newsletter, website, or elsewhere, they are required to include a link to your site. This may help you increase the number of incoming links to your site, giving you greater exposure and a better search engine ranking.
By: fin2000

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Is Blogging The Key To Making Money Online?

by Sharron Nixon

Making money online is not as hard as what you might think . You have probably tried to make money online, buying guides that were supposed to show you how ito do it. In fact, making money online can be easy, even without a huge initial investment, if you follow some really simple strategies.

One of the newest "kids on the block" as far as modern day technologies to help you to make money online is blogging. The word blogging is a catchphrase that has spread like wildfire throughout the internet, and essentially a short form of the words "web log" . I guess with that small snippet of information given to you first, the term "blogging" is easily recognizable as the derivative of web log, and thus some of the mystery may be stripped away. Blogging is known as the easiest form of website that can be put up by virtually anyone, with very little knowledge of the internet, and the techniques used to put up a website.

In fact, I can reassure you further about how easy it is to start blogging by telling you that the oldest woman in my country, New Zealand, has made over 70 posts to her blog since February. And she is 108 years old!

Blogger and Wordpress are probably the two best known blogging platforms, both offer a good service and are quite suitable for creating your blog. Blogs are quite often a one-person show. The owners maintain the blog, write the content and promote the site themselves. Blogging requires good writing on a regular basis.

Now we move onto the hardest part; promoting your blog.

Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, is vital, as designing your site in such a way that the search engines will find it and list it prominently in their rankings is the key to receiving natural, organic, traffic. By using proper SEO techniques, you can draw traffic to your site with minimal expense. Search engines don't seem to care as much about websites, but are more interested in web pages. The reason for this is that search engines do not link to a site, they link to a web page.
Article marketing is free and extremely effective at producing hundreds of high quality, one-way links to your website. It also gives you a very important opportunity to build credibility in your niche market as an expert.

Another way to promote your blog is to advertise your links on free traffic exchanges, discussion boards, emails, other pay per click sites and you can even buy referrals for a reasonable price. I think its worth it, bearing in mind the potential residual income you can derive from it.

Google also contributes to your online income through advertising using the Adsense program. Adsense is a contextual text ad service that allows you to integrate text ads into your content. You can earn money per click, which isn't too hard to receive because all of the text ads that appear on your website or blog will be relevant to your content.

All in all, there are many ways to make money online using the internet, and an abundance of tools that now make it easier than ever for the average person. The key is to learn the art of discipline, and to pay very careful attention to a five letter word - Focus.

About the Author
The new blogging craze could be the perfect vehicle for the everyday man or woman in the street to finally make money online. If you liked this article, visit my website for more information, hints and tips on making money online

Careers in Blogging

by Madoda

Many freelance writers are beginning to find blogging is one of the newest career opportunities available to them. Blogging is essentially a series of postings on a particular subject which are listed in reverse chronological order. These blogs may be about a variety of different subjects and may be personal, political, informative, humorous or any other category desired by the blogger. However, the key to a successful blog is a blog which pertains to a subject which appeals to a wide audience. Additionally the blog should be updated regularly and should provide useful content to the readers of the blog. This article will provide some information on finding career opportunities in blogging, will discuss the benefits of this type of career and will provide information on how writers can manage a blog successfully.

Finding Blogging Career Opportunities

Although blogging career opportunities are becoming increasingly popular, many writers are not aware of how to find these wonderful opportunities. These career opportunities may be offered as ghost writing positions or as positions offering a byline to the writer and finding these blogging opportunities is often very similar to finding any other career opportunities for writers.

Companies seeking a blogger may post the job opening in the same manner in which they would post other openings with the company such as accounting positions or administrative positions. Therefore, writers interested in a position as a blogger should utilize the same job search websites they rely on to find other career opportunities.

Bloggers may also wish to visit career websites and message boards which focus exclusively on careers in blogging. The website is just one example of a website dedicated exclusively to putting bloggers in connection with those who are interested in hiring a writer for a particular blog. Interested bloggers should also consider joining message boards for those who blog for a living. This can be beneficial because here bloggers are likely to share information regarding the companies for which they work as well as any information they have about companies who are currently looking to hire bloggers.

The Benefits of a Career in Blogging

There are many benefits to pursuing a career in blogging. Perhaps one of the most alluring benefits to a career in blogging is the work can typically be done as a telecommute position. This is because as long as the blogger has access to the software necessary to write and upload a blog, there is no need for the blogger to perform the work from a specific location. This means the blogger can reside virtually anywhere in the world and can likely perform the necessary work from his own home. However, not all blogging positions are telecommute positions. Some companies may require bloggers to perform the work onsite as a matter of personal preference.

Another benefit to a career in blogging is the ability to accomplish work at a pace which his convenient to the blogger. The blogger may be required to upload a new post to the blog according to a regular schedule but the actually writing of the posts can be accomplished when it is convenient for the blogger. Many blogging software packages enable the blogger to set a specific time for a specific post to be uploaded. This allows the blogger to write several posts at a time and have them publish according to a pre-determined schedule.

Finding Time to Blog

One of the problems which many bloggers face is finding the time to blog. This is especially difficult if the blogger maintains several blogs or if the blogger maintains a current events blog in which posts must be timely in order to be relevant and of interest to the readers. Writing blog posts in batches and scheduling them to publish as needed is one way to deal with managing several blogs. However, writers of blogs related to current events must take special care to budget their time wisely to ensure they are publishing topical blog posts. One way this can be accomplished is by setting aside time daily to reading current events to derive inspiration and then scheduling time after that to write and publish the blog. For example a blogger with a current events blog might choose to review the previous day's news the first thing in the morning to ensure they are reviewing all of the relevant news from the previous day before writing the blog post.

About the Author
Madoda is a blogger and an article writer you can visit one of his blog at

Is your Blog Focused For Success?

by Randolf Smith

There's many ways to promote and monetize your blog if you are focused on success. If you are suffering from information overload, like most excited newcomers to blogging, your head might be spinning as you wonder where to start. Here's five suggestions to get you started in the right direction.

#1...First you have to answer these questions. What do you want to talk about on your blog? What are you interested in? Take the time and make a list of all the things you are interested in enough to talk and write about on your blog. Sort that list by preference or favorite topic until your top three interests are at the top. Select one for your first blog. Put the list away in a safe place so you can find it when you want to start another blog.

#2...Updating your blog daily, or at least every few days or once a week at a minimum, is a requirement and not a suggestion. Fresh content attracts search engines and keeps your subscribers coming back. Adding valuable free downloads for your subscribers and visitors will keep them visiting your site. Free is too powerful a draw to ignore.

#3...Building traffic is necessary for any blog and will consume a major part of your daily activities if you want to keep your blog alive. You can use viral marketing, search engine marketing, both paid and free advertising or RSS/XML feeds to get the word out. Put your blog URL in your signature for every email and forum post. Tell everyone you know about your blog and invite them to visit to see what you are doing. Send the word out to every blog directory you can find and submit your blog URL to search engines. Spend part of every day advertising your presence on the Web. If you don't, no one else will.

#4...Watch your visitors to find out how they got to your blog. Knowing how your visitors found you is not difficult if you use a comprehensive page counter. You should be able to see if they are arriving through search engines and which keywords they used. That information will laser focus your entry titles and content to that targeted audience.

#5...Your visitors want to know YOU and to feel like they are part of YOUR loosely built community. If you can create this atmosphere you will build loyalty and credibility with your subscribers. Make your entries sound and feel like you are sharing information or the discovery of new products with them. Sales letters will turn them off. Write in a friendly, personal tone.
Using those five techniques should help you design a blog that suits your interests and keeps your subscribers happy.

About the Author
Randolf Smith is a Blogger, Copywriter and Experienced Internet Marketer who specializes in helping others learn from his own 8 years of online adventures. His blog site at could provide you with the extra help you'd value today. Pick up his daily freebie while you're there.

Behind the Scenes of Blogging

by al

With the right information anybody can turn a measly hundred bucks into hundreds of thousands of dollars profit...

The hard work has been done for you by spending months testing all the latest methods and underground secrets and putting it in an easy to follow blueprint that you can just outright copy.
Add up all the money you've spent in the past on bogus "get rich quick" programs that never work. Now you have a genuine chance to follow a proven system which guarantees success.
If you follow my underground system and do just half as good as expected, you could be picking up a check for over $2,038.

Would you spend a little cost if it meant you could make millions out of it. Most people would have no problem paying a full years earnings if it meant that after 12 months they can go out and copy the system to earn six figures year after year.

When you think of the true worth of a genuine opportunity like this that can help you quit your job and make even more money in a month that you would all year. Take extravagant vacations, drive fast cars and buy the latest gadgets or do what ever you want in your spare time.

Sure I'd make a ton more money if I placed an expensive price tag on this but I have most of the things I want in life already and I want to give something back. This is why I've decided to take all the risk away from you and guarantee your success... I'm willing to take the next step

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Blogging Success

Wisdom Business, Quantum Writers, Inspiring Intelligence, Mosquito, Geting Rich, Sprituality Health, Farmakologi, Sanitary, Physiologi, House Keeping, Pollution, Photografy, Golden Age, etc.